expogelato expo2015 – Francesca Perani
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/expogelato expo2015

Expogelato Side Expo 2015 Event

year / anno

project by / progetto di
architetta Francesca Perani


collaborators / collaboratori
architetta Laura Belotti


photo / foto  
Francesca Perani
location / luogo
Italy – Bergamo
type / tipologia intervento

allestimento / set design

client / cliente

web: www.expogelato2015.it
Camera di Commercio
Associazione Marketing+39
Comitato Gelatieri Bergamaschi
with the support of:
Banca Popolare di Bergamo
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
SIGEP, Salone Internazionale della gelateria, pasticceria e panificazione artgianali (Rimini Fiera)
Comune di Bergamo

Project Management: Chiara Moioli / Marketing+39
Setting by: Vincenzo Tremolada
LAB curated by KREASTORI
technical partners:
Firma snc – acrylic products
LATEXCO solutions – recycled ecorub
PEDRALI – furniture in LAB area
LUCE IN – lighting lab are


Status: completed


Gelato and the color that doesn’t exist: black.

Transparency and bright colors enrich the vision and bring, on stage, the vitality, the history and the experience of Italian and Bergamo companies gravitating around excellent artisanal gelato.

A 45 days installation in the heart of Bergamo city centre ‘Expogelato’. As part of side 2015Expo events, the set of a public programme of exhibitions, business meetings as well as workshops promoted by Chamber of Commerce Industry Craftsmanship and Agriculture of Bergamo and organized by Marketing +39 association with the scientific support of Gelatieri Bergamaschi Committee .
A strong sensorial exhibition where the visitor is filled with unusual materialities. Architecture, design and communication work together in a unique way creating a true Gelato Experience.

Three historic sites in the heart of Centro Piacentiniano in Bergamo, more than 800sqm area, three unique experiences to be tasted in sequence: discovering, making and eating. The historical Cloister of Santa Marta, the gallery, Piazza Matteotti: places connected by a soft, black floor, the unexpected and neutral stage for varied and multifarious colors, flavors, intoxicating scents typical of artisanal gelato.

Visitors are invited to enjoy the materiality of the installation through all senses.
The design starts in the cloister of Santa Marta, witness of the historical and cultural development of Gelato and the display of the Italian Companies that make it so unique. The approach is not invasive; the setting runs on transparent acrylic slabs and soft floor; 15 triangular flags draw with the architecture of the colonnade cones whose content remains imaginary.

The whole area feature a thin tinkling of bells, family recall of ice cream vendors who joyfully solicit greediness of the youngest.

Triangular seats made of recycled rubber, run through Piazza Matteotti, breaking up and then gathering up again, in a soft urban living room. A sculptural public living area of taste, meeting and play enjoyed day and night by children and adults.
